Scientists have figured out the benefits of winter swimming

Scientists have figured out the benefits of winter swimming


Researchers from the Arctic University of Norway and the University Hospital of Northern Norway have found that swimming in cold water can reduce “bad” fat in men and reduce the risk of heart problems, according to a paper published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health.

104 publications on the effects of swimming in cold water on human health were analyzed before reaching similar conclusions. Reportedly, the effects of winter swimming on inflammation, adipose tissue, circulation, the immune system, and oxidative stress were examined.

Most often in the publications, as it turned out, the activation of brown fat was reported. This tissue burns calories to maintain body temperature, while white fat continues to conserve energy. Brown fat activation is associated with a lower risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Repeated immersions in cold water during the winter months, the researchers found, greatly increased insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin production. This was observed in almost all swimmers.

In addition, positive effects may be attributed to non-medical factors: an active lifestyle, the presence of social interactions, and a good mood due to success in one’s hobby.

The authors still advise that despite the potential benefits, people should be aware of the potential health risks. They include hypothermia and heart and lung problems due to cold shock.


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