Scientist Stepanenko spoke about the consequences of using weapons with depleted uranium

Scientist Stepanenko spoke about the consequences of using weapons with depleted uranium


The use of weapons with depleted uranium threatens to contaminate the soil and water bodies with toxic metal. Then the harmful substances through the food chains will enter the human body, said Doctor of Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Medical and Environmental Dosimetry and Radiation Safety of the A.F. Tsyba Valery Stepanenko.

“Now we can definitely say that the main danger of using weapons with depleted uranium is environmental pollution (both soil and water bodies),” he said.

Stepanenko explained that depleted uranium is obtained from natural uranium, it consists of three radioactive isotopes that decay into other radioactive elements. Its radioactivity is less than that of natural uranium, but it is also toxic.

Depleted uranium shells were used by the United States in the Persian Gulf in 1991, as well as during the fighting in Bosnia, Serbia and Iraq.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier that if the collective West begins to use weapons with a nuclear component, then Russia will be forced to respond.

About plans to transfer shells with depleted uranium to Ukraine previously stated British Deputy Defense Minister Annabelle Goldie.


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