Satanovsky: US and Europe did not understand what they got into

Satanovsky: US and Europe did not understand what they got into


After the referendums in the Donbass, Ukraine will certainly not remain within its former borders. In this case, few people care about the indignation of the collective West, political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky noted. The Americans and Europeans did not understand what they were getting into. Europe and the United States are now facing a completely different danger, and Russia will only be watching.

According to the expert, the supporters of globalization will soon get much more than they expected. The “Freedom Convoy” is moving to civilized countries through Turkey to Greece. Hundreds of thousands of migrants, of course, will break through the borders of Athens and end up in Europe. If the Greeks withdraw heavy equipment or begin to seriously oppose Turkey in Cyprus, then Ankara will have something to oppose them. Moreover, both states are clearly inciting the United States for such a development. If two NATO member countries seriously clash, then no one will intervene in the conflict.

According to Satanovsky, America has always adhered to the tactics of “divide and conquer.”

“The only trouble is that today the United States itself is split like never before and the standard of living in them, although falling, is an order of magnitude higher than everything that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are capable of giving to their inhabitants,” the political scientist explained. Therefore, it will not work to explain to Mexican migrants that they need to die of hunger, but not to strive for the American dream.

Read also: “Satanovsky called the country that the West will push against Russia after Ukraine”


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