Roman Kostomarov’s amputations were more difficult than reported

Roman Kostomarov's amputations were more difficult than reported


The figure skater who came to his senses in the hospital ate ice cream and asked to wash his hair

Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov, who fell ill with a severe form of pneumonia in January, spent more than two months in the intensive care unit of the Kommunarka hospital, and now, finally, he regained consciousness yesterday. Information about his condition is extremely contradictory. A source in a medical institution said that Roman was again connected to a ventilator and claims that not only the feet, but also the shins of both legs, as well as the entire hand, were amputated to the skater.

“Kostomarov really came to his senses, his wife figure skater Oksana Domnina is constantly next to him,” a source in the hospital told MK. – Having regained consciousness, he, figuratively speaking, exhausted everyone – in a sense, the entire medical staff. Yes, he drove everyone, asked him to wash his hair, and the nurse fed him ice cream.

But today, Roman was again put on a ventilator, and they turned it off for literally a few hours, after it became clear that he could breathe on his own. His body was very weak, the man really lost more than 50 kg. His second hand is now turning black, the doctors are still waiting – to do an amputation or not.

Another source in the hospital spoke about the operations carried out by the athlete.

– First, Kostomarov was amputated with both feet, then the shins of both legs. The entire hand was also amputated.

Today, Roman’s general condition is, of course, grave. He has multiple organ failure – this is a simultaneous or sequential defeat of several systems with an initial predominance of symptoms of failure of one of them. It occurs mainly in patients in intensive care units. Simply put, this is when all organs are exhausted and cannot work themselves.

He also has a very strong mental, or rather, emotional breakdown. This is understandable – a person has experienced so many operations, he realized his position. Now the skater is sleeping, they gave him a lot of sedatives.

Every day, or rather, every hour, the state of the skater changes. Now a psychologist is working with him.


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