RBC: parliamentarians have prepared a bill to tighten the circulation of ethyl alcohol

RBC: parliamentarians have prepared a bill to tighten the circulation of ethyl alcohol


State Duma deputies and senators of the Federation Council have prepared a bill that proposes to tighten the circulation of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and medicines with it. The document will oblige ethanol producers to apply identification means on primary packaging, regardless of the presence of consumer packaging. This was reported RBC with a link to the document. Its authenticity was confirmed to the publication by the head of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Maxim Topilin.

The bill proposes to amend the laws on circulation of medicines and licensing to oblige manufacturers of a medicinal product for medical use with the international nonproprietary name “ethanol” to put identification on the primary packaging.

The document also proposes to establish to whom ethanol can be sold. According to the text of the project, it will be able to be purchased by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities with a medical or pharmaceutical license, officially registered medical organizations and accredited testing laboratories.

The authors of the bill in the explanatory note note that, according to experts, the production of the pharmaceutical substance of ethanol in 2022 should be more than 7 million decaliters. At the same time, Rosalkogolregulirovanie believes that the need of the pharmaceutical industry for it does not exceed 4 million decalitres. The parliamentarians also estimated the amount of lost excises on ethyl alcohol in 2022 at 17 billion rubles.

One of the co-authors of the bill, a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, Airat Farrakhov, told RBC that the document would be submitted to the State Duma in the near future. According to him, the adoption of the bill will reduce the turnover of surrogate alcohol.

Olesya Pavlenko


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