Putin: military hospitals in Russia are 38% full

Putin: military hospitals in Russia are 38% full


According to data at the disposal of Russian President Vladimir Putin, military hospitals in the country are only 38% full, but civilian hospitals “can also be connected to the rehabilitation of fighters.” Vladimir Putin noted that the Russian authorities will deal with the rehabilitation and employment of servicemen after they return from the front.

“The healthcare system itself is ready to work with our guys, the civil healthcare system. This also applies to rehabilitation. We will definitely return to this so that rehabilitation takes place not only in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense, ”said Vladimir Putin during a meeting with mothers of participants in the military operation in Ukraine (it was broadcast by the TV channel “Russia 1”).

He also promised to recruit wounded soldiers to work in the military registration and enlistment offices. One of the mothers participating in the conversation said that in one of the military registration and enlistment offices in her region she saw how an official answered a young military widow who came for help that she was not alone. The woman offered to involve people who have already participated in the SVO and understand the problems of the military and their families to work in the military registration and enlistment offices. “We need a separate rehabilitation program in the broadest sense – with additional training and employment,” the president summed up on this occasion.

In early November, the Ministry of Defense announced that Russian soldiers returned from Ukrainian captivity would be sent to Moscow for rehabilitation. recovery program they had to pass the in institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Defense.

On the consequences of hostilities in Ukraine – in broadcasts “b”.

Andrey Sapozhnikov


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