Psychologists: flirting in virtual reality protects against cheating

Psychologists: flirting in virtual reality protects against cheating


Employees of the Reichmann University in Israel found out that Wirth using VR devices helps people in monogamous relationships overcome the desire to cheat on their partner, writes a magazine Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.

The authors of the study relied on the method of strengthening internal attitudes so that a person is more resistant to temptation.

Scientists have explained that flirting in virtual reality will make people appreciate the person they are in a relationship with more, and will also reduce the attractiveness of cheating.

To test the hypothesis, the researchers chose 65 couples, where the partners first flirted in virtual reality with a stranger of the same gender as their lover, and then communicated with him live. After that, the participants in the experiment were asked to evaluate communication with a stranger.

As it turned out, the subjects rated much lower the impression of communicating with a stranger when he flirted with them online, and then communicated with them in real life in a normal manner.

The partners were then seated across from each other and asked to talk about things they like or dislike about their sex life. As a result, scientists determined that during such conversations, partners experienced much greater sexual attraction to each other, and thoughts of betrayal became unattractive to them.


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