Named four types of headaches and their causes

Named four types of headaches and their causes


Family doctor Valentin Shishkin interview The publication identified four groups of headaches that a person experiences for one reason or another.

“The first is migraines, the second is tension headaches, the third is a cluster headache, the fourth is a secondary headache associated with other diseases. The first three are independent diseases and are treated, ”says the specialist.

Migraine, in his opinion, is most often a genetically determined problem. It can also be caused by long flickering or noise loads or stress. Tension pain is the most common, says the doctor. It can occur for a number of reasons, including prolonged use of gadgets, driving a car, working at a computer, when a person is in one position for a long time, which causes tension in the muscles and ligaments of the aponeurosis.

The third group includes cluster pains. Men complain about them more, and they occur more often at night, the doctor said. Manifested in the form of pain in the eye and one side of the head. Secondary headaches are the rarest. “They are associated with tumors, sluggish infectious lesions of the central nervous system, or are a symptom of acute viral infections,” Shishkin summed up.


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