Named 6 categories of people who should limit the consumption of red meat

Named 6 categories of people who should limit the consumption of red meat


Regular consumption of red meat may increase the risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure. This was announced by a registered dietitian and official representative of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Roxana Ehsani, writes “InoSMI”. She also emphasized that such conditions can lead to the development of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

The expert named six categories of people who are dangerous to eat red meat and it is advisable to completely abandon it.

First on this list are people who have high cholesterol levels. They can eat red meat no more than once or twice a month. The second category of people are citizens with alpha-gal syndrome, which can be obtained after being bitten by a special type of tick, as a result of which an allergy to red meat may develop.

Also, people with coronary heart disease fall under the undesirable use of meat, since with such an ailment harmful cholesterol plaques can accumulate in the arteries. The fourth disease with which red meat should not be eaten is kidney disease in the later stages (stages 3-5), since the product contains a sufficient amount of protein that does more harm than good.

In addition, Ehsani does not recommend eating red meat for people who have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease, as well as for those who have a history of certain types of cancer in the family.


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