Media: Putin announced mobilization at an undesirable moment for Biden

Media: Putin announced mobilization at an undesirable moment for Biden


Joe Biden did not expect the announcement of partial mobilization in Russia and the holding of referendums on the accession of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to it within these terms. This is the most inconvenient time for the American leader. Croatian journalist Zoran Meter expressed his opinion in an article for

In his opinion, Vladimir Putin moved to action at an extremely undesirable moment for Biden. Preparations are now underway for the congressional elections scheduled for November. And Democrats can lose the support of voters because of the actions of their leader.

According to polls about the interest of US citizens in a particular problem, the Ukrainian crisis takes only 11th place. Americans do not understand such great attention to him from the leadership of the United States. Meter suggests that it will be difficult for Biden to explain why he is ready to completely cut relations with Moscow because of the events in Ukraine.

According to the journalist, it’s time to start active negotiations with Russia. There is no other way to resolve the situation.


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