Mandatory labeling of medical devices, children’s water and dietary supplements will begin from September 1

Mandatory labeling of medical devices, children's water and dietary supplements will begin from September 1


In Russia, from September 1, mandatory labeling of medical devices, baby water, soft drinks and juices, dietary supplements, antiseptics and wheelchairs will begin. Relevant government decree published on the official portal of legal information.

In the center for the development of advanced technologies, which operates the “Honest Sign” digital marking system, told TASS that the system is completely ready for marking from September 1. It will be mandatory to apply marking from October 1 on wheelchairs, dietary supplements, medical devices, antiseptics and baby water.

In addition, from September 1, the registration of producers of soft drinks in the labeling system will begin. From December 1, labeling will be mandatory for soft drinks in polymer or glass packaging, with the exception of juices, nectars, vegetable milk and compotes.

From March 1, 2024, soft drinks in aluminum cans will also be labeled. Starting June 1, 2024, the labeling will apply to juices, nectars, vegetable milk, compotes and other types of soft drinks.

The experiment on labeling soft drinks began on June 1, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported earlier. It is planned that the labeling will be tested by companies selling packaged water and brewing products, as they have the necessary technical solutions and experience.

The Union of Producers of Juices, Water and Drinks (“Soyuznapitki”) opposed such an experiment. About this “Interfax” declared Union President Maxim Novikov. “We consider the start of the experiment on labeling soft drinks and juice products to be premature,” he told the agency.


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