Mammologists have revealed the secrets of the female breast

Mammologists have revealed the secrets of the female breast


Healthy female breasts are not only beautiful, but also vital. Mammologists warn: the lion’s share of breast diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time. How to recognize the disease in time, what are the chances of curing breast cancer at an early stage and why doctors do not consider mastopathy a disease – “MK” learned from mammologists.

Like any human organ, the mammary gland also gets sick. But the breast has one peculiarity: 95% of the diseases of this organ are hormone-dependent. During the reproductive period, a woman is especially prone to breast diseases. Therefore, examinations are extremely important, doctors emphasize.

As the doctor explained oncologist-mammologist “Open Clinic” Ruslan Basanov, the correct schedule for visiting a specialist to check breast health is once a year. Mammography should be done every two years, this is a recognized international standard.

The main result of such regular examinations is the ability to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Doctors warn: the opinion that breast cancer occurs only in young or, conversely, in older women is a dangerous myth. Moreover, this diagnosis can be made even to a man.

– Breast cancer occurs at any age, it occurs even in men. In the stronger sex, this disease is much more aggressive and less likely to have a positive prognosis, Ruslan Basanov explained.

But mastopathy – the most common diagnosis among all pathologies of the mammary gland – doctors do not even consider it a disease. According to doctors, this is just a condition of the chest. It causes hormonal changes. With the same calmness, doctors advise to treat cysts of the mammary glands. In most cases, you don’t need to remove them. The main thing is to have regular checkups.

A woman’s body goes through two phases in her monthly cycle. Estrogen is produced first, progesterone second. It was then that a woman can feel soreness, swelling of the breast. This worries some women quite seriously, but it is easy to deal with such a condition, – explained Elena Ignatova, an oncologist-mammologist at the Open Clinic.

Another popular myth that experts have dispelled is that “a cyst can turn into cancer.” Here, doctors are adamant: no, a cyst does not degenerate into an oncological disease by itself, which means that you don’t need to touch it – just observe it.

– Complex and atypical cysts need puncture and cytology so that there is no cancer inside the cyst. The cysts themselves are not dangerous, they never degenerate into cancer. But they can put pressure on surrounding cells. In this case, dysplasia may begin. If the cyst grows or changes shape, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination, Ruslan Basanov said.

Women who have never had breast cancer in their family should still be alert and attentive to their health. According to doctors, cancer can be both hereditary and acquired. To determine if you have genetic risks, you can pass a special analysis for the “breakage” of genes. However, even if the test result is positive, you should not despair: this does not mean that oncology will really arise.

Well, the most alarming symptoms, in the presence of which you should go to the doctor immediately, are swelling of the axillary lymph nodes, discharge from the nipples and skin retraction.

What can provoke the development of breast diseases, except for genetics? The first is stress. Doctors explain that anxiety directly affects the hormonal background. The second is ultraviolet. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend sunbathing in a solarium, especially topless.

“Ultraviolet is very harmful,” says Elena Ignatova. – We, as oncologists, are against it.

Increased insolation has always been an undesirable factor for any organism, including women.

Doctors advise sunbathing on the beach either before 10 am or after 5 pm, and always under an umbrella.

In general, doctors are very optimistic about even such a formidable diagnosis as breast cancer.

– Breast cancer at an early stage is curable. The sooner a woman arrives, the greater the chance.

Therefore, it is imperative to undergo regular medical examinations and apply the technique of self-examination. To do this, you need to raise your hands and see if there are any swelling or retraction of the skin anywhere, ”Basanov advised.

Take care of your health and don’t get sick! And if you still have questions for doctors, ask them by sending an email to MK: [email protected]


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