Jailed artist has been printing secret drawings on sheets for years

Jailed artist has been printing secret drawings on sheets for years


“Apokaluptein: 16389067,” as artist Jesse Crimes called his prison contraband, is a project so closed that he had to smuggle it out of the prison where he was serving time.

Crimes was serving a six-year sentence for possession of cocaine at the FCI Fairton federal prison in New Jersey. Using hair gel and plastic spoons, he created a printing process to transfer images from The New York Times clippings onto stolen sheets.

He was able to get his canvases out by hiding them in the lockers of sympathetic prison guards, who were secretly mailed to him after his release.

“Even though he could get materials like canvases, he chose to use bed sheets because they were created with the help of inmates,” said Alice Nahmias, director of the MTV documentary Art and Crimes from Criminals about Crimes.


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