February 7 – give women flowers

February 7 - give women flowers


February 7 in the folk calendar is Grigoriev’s Day or Gregory the Vesnoindicator. It is believed that giving flowers to a woman today is fortunate for her and for the giver. But you shouldn’t compliment girls – you can jinx their beauty.

flowers, traffic police, March 8, Photo by Sophia Sandurskaya / Moskva agency

On Grigoriev’s Day, it is customary to thank those who once helped you, especially if it was done disinterestedly and wholeheartedly. By the way, if this is a woman, you can give her a bouquet as a thank you. Yes, and you yourself should do more good deeds today – the good will definitely return, they believed in the people. It is also believed that if from the bottom of your heart you wish someone well on this day, even mentally, this wish will come true.

Men today need to drop into the store before returning home to buy, if not flowers, then at least food. According to popular belief, if a man comes home empty-handed, the family will soon have to starve.

According to other signs of this day, you can’t tell anyone about your plans – they won’t come true, you can’t spit, especially on the road – to failure; you can not cut your hair and nails – to the disease. But if you accidentally spill milk, you can rejoice, because there is a sign that unexpected joy awaits you.

Folk signs on February 7 are as follows:

– what is the weather before noon, this will be in the first half of next winter;

– if it snows – autumn will be protracted;

– if magpies sit on the lower branches of trees – the wind will increase;

– if the stars twinkle – to frost and blizzard.

The dreams that you have on the night of February 8 can be prophetic, especially if your deceased relatives are present in the dream. However, in order for the dream to come true, you cannot tell anyone about it.

Alena Bodrienko.

Photo by Sofia Sandurskaya / Moskva Agency


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