Elena Malysheva named the most underestimated product by Russians

Elena Malysheva named the most underestimated product by Russians


Doctor of Medical Sciences, TV presenter Elena Malysheva, together with immunologist Andrey Prodeus, on the air of the program “Live healthy!” on Channel One they said that lentils are the most underestimated product among Russians.

According to experts, the most popular category in the consumer basket of Russian citizens is dairy products, followed by bread and legumes in terms of consumption. Doctors stressed that Russians generally prefer to eat pasta and bread, which are simple carbohydrates, while not paying due attention to legumes, which contain coarse fibers.

Of all the legumes, Malysheva advised us to use lentils, which are the number one product in terms of coarse fiber. Lentils, as experts have noticed, swell in the stomach, absorbing all the toxins and preventing the absorption of cholesterol, and it also helps to remove all excess from the body.

Doctors said that 100 grams of lentils contains three daily norms of coarse fiber, since only 33 grams are needed to cover the daily norm. The hosts of the programs added that lentils are absolutely undeservedly rarely consumed in Russia.


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