Drastically cheaper milk can provoke a decline in its production

Drastically cheaper milk can provoke a decline in its production


The fact that the cost of raw milk in wholesale fell sharply in March of this year was told to Vedomosti by top managers of three manufacturing companies. One of them says that raw material prices fell by 5-6 rubles compared to December-January. Another clarifies that since the beginning of the year, raw milk has fallen in price by 15% to 32-33 rubles. for 1 kg. According to him, this is an unhealthy situation for the market. Andrey Neduzhko, general director of the Steppe agricultural holding, confirms that there is now a downward trend in prices for raw milk, but he did not name specific numbers.

According to Soyuzmoloko’s February review of the dairy market, raw milk cost 34.7 rubles in January. for 1 kg. Rosstat had a similar figure – 34,680 rubles. per 1 ton. But already in early February, the price of this product began to decline – by 0.2% to 34,602 rubles. for 1 ton


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