Domestic servers have risen in price by one and a half times

Domestic servers have risen in price by one and a half times


The average increase in prices for servers and data storage systems (SDS) of domestic manufacturers in September amounted to 30–50% compared to January, and delivery times for large manufacturers increased to several months, Dmitry Isaev, director of Softline cloud solutions management, told Vedomosti. The growth in the cost and delivery time of server equipment was also confirmed by representatives of Disilodzhik, Selectel, Promobit and Norsi-trans.

At the peak of turbulence, in March – April, prices for top models of servers from Russian manufacturers showed an increase of up to 10 times, Isaev recalls. Now, according to him, the situation has stabilized and the increase in prices for servers compared to January figures ranges from 30 to 50%. At the same time, Isaev adds, the cost of Russian equipment was “quite high” before, as a result of which companies preferred Western and Chinese manufacturers for the development of cloud solutions.


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