Died the actor of the film “Four tankers and a dog”

Died the actor of the film “Four tankers and a dog”


Polish actor Franciszek Pechka, known for one of the main roles in the popular television series Four Tankmen and a Dog, has died at the age of 95.

The television series Four Tankmen and a Dog, which tells about the military operations of World War II, was released in 1966 and was very popular in the USSR and Russia. Its main characters are members of the crew of the Red tank and a dog named Sharik. Based on the series, lessons were held in schools, performances were staged in theaters, and the so-called Tank Clubs were organized.

Franciszek Pechka played in the series Gustav Jelen, nicknamed Gustlik. During his creative career, the actor starred in more than 40 films.


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