Cinema on weekends. Creative talkers – technology of problems from scratch

Cinema on weekends.  Creative talkers - technology of problems from scratch


The third film “What Men Talk About” was released with a trailer titled “Simple Pleasures”.

Directed by Mikhail Polyakov. Screenwriters Sergey Petreykov, Leonid Barats, Rostislav Khait. Producers Eduard Iloyan, Denis Zhalinsky, Vitaly Shlyappo. 93 minutes 16+

The famous four of the Quartet I theater – Slava (Rostislav Khait), Lesha (Leonid Barats), Kamil (Kamil Larin), Sasha (Alexander Demidov) – walk around Moscow without any special purpose and talk, talk, talk about anything and everything .

The four make up an effective system for generating the collective unconscious. The associative stream of thoughts flows on the screen quite naturally, as if there is neither a director nor a screenwriter. Just an overheard life.

The associative stream reflects purely masculine thinking with the wildest associations from the series “you can’t think of it on purpose”.

One nervously cares why the other is always well. The third is slightly gnawed by the thought that the fourth hides. And he cannot understand his own feelings about the pregnancy of a woman used to train the vessels.

From the outside, sometimes it seems ridiculous. Not all viewers can stand it. Who survived, receives a response of their feelings from the film right on the screen.

Insertions reflect the four’s own thoughts with the words “any psychologist.”

It would seem, what else can be said in the third series in less than a decade and a half?

The men have gotten older over the years. Their senses have faded. The characters of their women, who have them, are expressed somehow more nakedly. From this position, at the appropriate age, it is easier to have a dialogue with a light bulb than with a living woman. How such dialogues with inanimate objects end is shown on the screen quite accurately.

The allusions and associations of the third series reflect not the past of the characters, but the present of the society in which they live. Each character from the mental emanations of the main characters is in its own way a reference from the gallery of portraits of the current time. In Soviet times, it was a triad from the parody of the magazine “Youth”: a student-correspondence student, foreman-conscript, pioneer-excellent student. Today – a businessman, a business mistress, a woman with three children and charitable inclinations.

If we recall the sets of stamps in the previous versions of What Men Talk About, they are different every time and are no longer very close to the same ones for us in our current state.

Life is different, and ideas about it are built from stamps. The film presents a representative set of stamps and is essentially an exploratory probing of consciousness. “Any psychologist” tells a story that justifies a cocktail of two simple ideas “all people are different” and “all people are the same.” One woman has a husband in prison, a drug addict son, and she herself was fired. Another husband gave an Audi instead of the promised Mercedes. Both are equally unhappy on the verge of suicide.

Film What Men Talk About. Simple pleasures” is perceived surprisingly heterogeneous. Male indifference brings boredom. Women are not interested, and this fact is also reflected on the screen. Men with mixed feelings of disgust and interest see themselves on the screen, which they do not want to admit.

If after viewing the film is discussed with words of condemnation and misunderstanding why it was done this way and not otherwise in other scenery, then this conversation becomes a continuation of the on-screen dialogue.

For thirty years they tried to return us to childhood in its worst form, irresponsible and demanding pleasure from every moment of life. For some reason it almost always turned out the other way around. Film What Men Talk About. Simple Pleasures” is not about one or the other. Character conversations are optional and optional to watch. By about the middle of the movie, you stop to understand why you are sitting here. Three couples left without waiting for this middle.

Who did not twitch and calmly finished watching, later felt the aftertaste like from good cognac in the form of a feeling of an inexplicable holiday.

Such days, as shown on the screen, are necessary for every busy person. The main thing is that life does not consist only of them. For those who are genetically incapable of gaming communication, the film “What Men Talk About. Simple Pleasures” can become a kind of textbook of life. This defect brings serious problems to its owner and can turn a person into an outcast. Normal people avoid meaningful conversations.

However, even those men who are inclined to serious dialogues have lost the ability to admit to themselves their natural love for a woman. The condition of women inspires fear even more, rejects uniformity and does not allow maintaining the stability of life.

As a result, the advantage is given to people who are able to hear only themselves, incapable of any dialogue, neither playful nor meaningful. In Eric Berne’s “any psychologist” scheme, such people are not capable of parity “adult-adult” communication. At the current moment in history, it is precisely such characters incapable of dialogue that have filled political posts and scientific departments. They predict the future of mankind and lead the nations. Movies like What Men Talk About. Simple Pleasures”, are needed in order to return moral rights and social status to normal people.

There are many such films in the composition of the new Russian cinema.

The concept of the norm for a person contains a moment of convention, people are all with deviations. Normal are those who are capable of controlled reflection and various forms of dialogue, with critical thinking and without a fanatical belief in anything that allows you to track the reaction to their actions and words. Then you can compensate for your own genetic defects and not allow other people’s defects to dominate you.

In today’s disputes, such people prefer to remain silent. If they say, only on the screen of the new Russian cinema. Unfortunately, now not only individuals, but entire countries suffer from national sadomasochism. So far, the situation in the world allows each person to make his choice. Well, almost everyone.

Russian art and culture have become a natural reserve in the protracted war of postmodernism with modernism. Accordingly, the Russians should be included in the Red Book along with our cinema and literature, emphasizing the disappearing breed of people capable of dialogue and simple pleasures.



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