Chinese spacecraft detects traces of floods on Mars

Chinese spacecraft detects traces of floods on Mars


Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with specialists from Peking University, have discovered evidence of the flooding of Mars. This was established using the Zhurong apparatus. Research results published in the journal Nature.

The rover studied the surface of the planet Utopia Plain – an impact crater. At least two layers of some rock have been identified. The first is located at a depth of 10 to 30 meters, the second – from 30 meters to 80 meters.

At the same time, none of the existing research methods makes it possible to determine what exactly is located there, since radio waves do not distinguish between the density of stone, ice or magma.

Scientists do not exclude that the deep and old layer was formed due to the fact that small stones settled on larger ones during a flood about three billion years ago.

Such a process would require a strong and rapid flood that would move the boulders. The second layer, in their opinion, was formed in a similar way about 1.6 billion years ago.


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