Bobi the dog from Portugal became the oldest dog in the world

Bobi the dog from Portugal became the oldest dog in the world


Dog Bobi from Portugal is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest dog in the world – today the pet is 30 years and 269 days old. About it writes Daily Mail.

Bobby’s longevity record was set on Wednesday, February 1st. Despite his advanced age, the dog is cheerful and full of energy. According to the owners, over the years Bobby has not lost his love to run after the neighbor’s cats.

Also, the family, in which the dog has lived all his life, believes that such important things as a peaceful environment and remoteness from the noise and pollution of the city have become the secret of his longevity – Bobby has been living on the farm since his first days.

It is known that the record dog was born in 1992 – this is confirmed by the documents of local veterinarians and the SIAC pet database.

Recall that Maria Branjas Morera, born in 1907, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest person in the world.

Spain’s Morera became the world’s oldest centenarian after the death of 118-year-old French sister André (Lucille Toulon) on January 17.

Born in San Francisco in 1907, Maria Branas Morera witnessed two world wars, as well as the Spanish flu and coronavirus pandemics. The woman now lives in Spain, in Residència Santa María del Tura – this is the name of the nursing home.

According to the woman, the key to longevity lies in order, calmness, good relationships with loved ones, connection with nature, emotional stability and the desire to be as far away from toxic people as possible.


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