Bloomberg: only supertankers left to transport oil from the US to Europe

Bloomberg: only supertankers left to transport oil from the US to Europe


The EU sanctions against the Russian oil and gas sector and the subsequent increase in Russian oil supplies to India and China have led to a shortage of small and medium-sized tankers on the market. As a result, almost all American oil exports to Europe are carried out by supertankers, no matter how loaded they are. This is reported Bloomberg.

According to Victor Caton, a leading analyst at Kpler, the cost of transporting a supertanker (with a capacity of up to 2 million barrels) is now about $2.7 per barrel of oil. While transportation on a vessel with a capacity of about 700,000 barrels along the same route is about $8.5 per barrel.

According to Bloomberg, 11 supertankers and 16 Suezmax-class vessels are due to arrive from the US to Europe in March. These vessels now carry about 60% of crude oil on the route, while a year ago they accounted for only 37% of the volume of traffic.

According to the agency, some super-large tankers leave half-empty, but the cost of such a trip for traders is still lower than on ships of medium and small capacity.

Kirill Sarkhanyants


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