Artificial intelligence can replace hundreds of millions of workers around the world

Artificial intelligence can replace hundreds of millions of workers around the world


Goldman Sachs analysts: artificial intelligence technologies can put about 300 million people out of work in the world

CNBC News reports that analysts at one of the largest investment banks, Goldman Sachs, believe that products using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could put about 300 million employees around the world out of work.

At the same time, AI will significantly increase labor efficiency, as a result of which global GDP could add 7%.

He will be able to perform 46% of the work of administrative staff, 44% of the tasks of lawyers and replace 37% of engineers and architects.

In addition, with the help of artificial intelligence technologies, it is possible to automate a third of the work performed by sociologists, financiers and businessmen.

Least of all changes will affect physical labor. In construction, cleaning, extraction of natural resources and repair work, artificial intelligence will not replace humans.

In total, according to analysts, about a quarter of all work can be automated in the USA, a little less in Europe – 24%. Most of all, in their opinion, the changes will affect Hong Kong, Japan, Sweden and Israel.


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