Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard denounce their conditions of employment at France Télévisions

Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard denounce their conditions of employment at France Télévisions


VIDEO – The two co-hosts of “Numbers and Letters” have accumulated fixed-term contracts for 47 and 36 years.

Bertrand Renard and Arielle Boulin-Prat vs. France Télévisions, round 5. In early July, during its back-to-school press conference, the audiovisual group announced that “Numbers and letters” will no longer be broadcast on weekdays but only on Saturday and Sunday at 5 p.m. “I am deeply disappointed with this decision, it’s sad”said the artistic producer of the show Patrice Laffont to our colleagues from Nice morning . “I even hesitated to slam the door and stop everything. Besides, it would have been more coherent to end it. At that time, the former animator had no idea that the two specialists in numbers and letters would not take part in the new formula of the game.

If Alexandra Redde-Amiel, head of entertainment and games at France Télévisions, simply told the Parisian / Today in France that they did not “did not agree and we regret it”the version is quite different on the side of Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard. “We didn’t refuse the supposed new version of the game since it was never presented to us”they assured in a joint press release. “What is modestly referred to as a ‘contractual disagreement’ arose because FTV demanded a 60% reduction in our salary and refused to grant us the CDI that we had the audacity to claim. […] We have been on fixed-term contracts for 36 years for Arielle and 47 years for Bertrand… We don’t exist even though we are on the air every day. This regularization was flatly refused, without explanation. It is humanly unacceptable before it is legally. »

Tuesday evening, Bertrand Renard and Arielle Boulin-Prat were on the set of “Daily” on TMC. The two co-hosts of “Numbers and Letters” returned to their terms of employment. “If you tried, at France Télévisions, to join us, to join me, because I was there more than Arielle and I have other functions, I do not exist in the organization chart of France Télévisions for 47 years”lamented Bertrand Renard. “We don’t exist”added Arielle Boulin-Prat. “Because we don’t have a phone number, because we are not integrated, we have never been integrated”explained the specialist in figures. “When you happen to ask for a CDI, you are very often told: “We have people to replace you”.”

And the letter specialist adds: “We asked for it and we were told: “This is not the moment”. Besides, now is never the time. We are not in the process of “CDéisation” I was told”. “Anyway, there are no more CDIs at France Télévisions, no one is hired on CDIs”concluded Bertrand Renard.


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