A project on fines of up to 60 million rubles for fictitious registration was introduced into the Duma

A bill was introduced to the State Duma providing for fines of up to 60 million rubles for falsifying documents and fictitious registration of foreign citizens. The document is available in the State Duma’s electronic database. The initiators of the bill were State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, leaders of all parliamentary factions and a number of deputies, writes RIA Novosti.

The bill proposes to establish increased penalties for legal entities for falsifying documents confirming rights or exemption from obligations in order to organize illegal migration. This includes violations of the rules of entry into Russia, migration registration, movement and choice of place of residence, as well as illegal labor activities in the country.

According to the explanatory note, fines from 5 to 10 million rubles with confiscation of property are provided for this offense, and in case of repeated violation - from 10 to 60 million rubles with similar consequences.

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