A nutritionist told what ingredients form food addiction in people

A nutritionist told what ingredients form food addiction in people


Sugar, fat, salt, spicy additives and flavor enhancers in combination and separately cause cravings in people, said nutritionist Elena Solomatina in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

“It can be anything containing these products, especially in combination,” she noted.

Sweet, as Solomatina explained, contains a lot of energy, quickly increases blood glucose levels. Hormones of pleasure signal that “the person is well done.” The same thing happens with fat. “The combination of sweet and fat especially enhances addiction,” the nutritionist emphasized.

And when something sharp gets on the tongue, the human body feels that something is “burning”. “In order to dull the pain shock in advance, he begins to produce pleasure hormones, internal morphines,” the specialist explained.

She believes that fast food or Asian food is “hooked” by flavor enhancers. When monosodium glutamate is added to food, people smell and form the feeling that this is the highest quality and most desirable food. “This snag works,” the nutritionist warned. “Wherever they put it, it will pull it there.”


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